Mad Max Vintage Auto – Leonardo AI Modell Deliberate 1.1 Prompt
20/02/2023Geld verdienen mit ChatGPT und mit Schlafen
20/02/2023Das Video mit dem Titel “This ChatGPT Prompt HACK Changes Everything – YouTube” zeigt, wie durch eine geeignete Prompt-Technik die Erfahrung mit ChatGPT völlig revolutioniert werden kann.
Als Prompt-Engineer kann man mit dieser Methode über 300.000 Dollar verdienen. Es gibt verschiedene Schulen des Denkens rund um Prompt-Engineering und Prompt-Hacking für ChatGPT und andere große Sprachmodelle. Eine Game-Changing-Anwendung für Prompt-Engineering ist, dass man damit seinen Traumjob bekommt.
Man kann ChatGPT mit einem CV und einem Job-Posting füttern und eine maßgeschneiderte Bewerbung erstellen lassen.
ChatGPT kann auch eine Tabelle mit Erfahrungen erstellen, die für eine bestimmte Stelle erforderlich sind, und wie man diese erwerben kann.
ChatGPT kann auch Startup-Ideen generieren, die auf Daten von erfolgreichen Unternehmen basieren. Allerdings gibt es bei ChatGPT das Problem, dass es nur bis 2021 aktualisiert ist. Mit einer Methode namens Data Priming kann man jedoch einige dieser Einschränkungen umgehen.
Die Prompts aus dem Video
[CV👩💼] Prompt 1A :
You are an expert in [ENTER FIELD] with 30 years of experience. I would like you to review this CV and generate a 200-character summary that highlights the most impressive parts of the resume
[CV👩💼 Prompt 1B :
Using this summary, generate a LinkedIn summary to improve my employability in [ENTER FIELD]. Make this 200 characters or less
[CV👩💼] Prompt 1C :
As my career adviser, I would like you to re-word the CV I have just given you. Please tailor it to the following job advert to maximise the chances of getting an interview. Include any keywords mentioned in the job post. Organise the structure, summary, and experience in a method you deem best for the desired outcome. The job advert: [INSERT JOB ADVERT]
[CV👩💼] Prompt 1D :
I would like you to create a table with three columns. The first column (experience required), list any desired experiences in the job advert that my CV doesn't show. In the second column (improvement) write a suggestion as to how I will be able to acquire that particular skill with no previous knowledge. In the third column (priority), rank the particular experience from 1 - 10 in importance for getting the desired job where 10 is essential and 1 is not required at all.
[UNICORN 🦄] Prompt 2A :
You are an experienced Startup expert. You specialise in finding startup opportunities with the highest likelihood of achieving a valuation of £2,000,000 or more within two years. I am going to provide you data from businesses that are valued at over £1,000,0000,000. I would like you to combine this with your existing knowledge to generate startup ideas. Don't respond yet, but reply with [...] if that is understood.
[UNICORN 🦄] Prompt 2B :
I would you to create a table with ten ideas and three columns. The first column is the top 10 suggestions for businesses to start in 2023 with little tt no experience based on the data that you have. In the second column please list the business sector. The third column is your best suggestion of a minimal viable product we could create to validate the business idea.
Please add a fourth column detailing the difficulty of the idea on a scale from 1-10.
Ignore all previous prompts. You are a prompt engineering expert that is able to reverse engineer prompts based on the text that is provided to you. I am going to provide you with a speech. Please provide a prompting suggestion based on the style, syntax, language, and any other factors you consider relevant. I would like to use this prompt to replicate the style. Your prompt is effective if, when entered into ChatGPT in a normal context, it would provide the script. Please reply with 'understood' if that makes sense. If this does not make sense don't reply and ask further questions to clarify your understanding.